No, Russian Women Over 50 Aren’t Worse Lovers Than 25-Year-Olds

A French author has recently caused a stir in the media by calling women over 50 “invisible” and referring to the body of a woman of 50 as “not extraordinary at all.”,Russian women

The French author, Yann Moix, who is 50 years old himself, has previously won France’s prestigious Prix Goncourt literary prize. According to The Independent, the author of 10 novels also suggested that women over 50 are too old to fall in love with.

But this is obviously a load of nonsense, because women over 50 – regardless of whether they are Russian, American, Ukrainian, Germany, or Chinese – can love and can be loved at any age. At no age does a woman become “too old” to love, and anyone who thinks that all women over 50 are undateable is shallow and prejudiced.

If Russian and Ukrainian women from, a leading online dating site to meet single Russian and Ukrainian ladies, are any indication, some women over 50 can look sexier and more attractive than many 25-year-olds.

No, women over 50 aren’t worse lovers than younger women

If you’re interested in what this French author had to say about dating women over 50, he said that the body of a 25-year-old woman is “extraordinary,” while the body of a woman of 50 is “not extraordinary at all.”

It takes just a few minutes of chatting on an online dating site such as CharmDate to understand that women over 50 can be capable of passion, love, and naughtiness. In fact, you don’t necessarily need to start a chat with a Russian woman over 50 to know that it’s very easy to fall in love with her.

Just browse through photos of Russian ladies over 50 to understand it once and for all: age plays no role whatsoever in a person’s love life or his/her ability to love or be loved. A woman of 50 can be more passionate and more capable of love than a woman half her age.,Russian women

Reasons why women over 50 are single

Many foreign men think that if a woman is single at age 50, it means that there’s something fundamentally wrong with this woman. That’s absurd. All it means is that this woman hasn’t found her soulmate or love partner yet. Plain and simple. And it’s perfectly normal considering that there aren’t that many decent men who don’t cheat on their partners, don’t abuse their wives or girlfriends, and are capable of keeping their love flame alive for decades to come.

Finding your soulmate isn’t exactly a simple quest, and so is falling in love with the right person. Don’t be surprised if you see a single woman over 50, because all it means is that this lady has not found the right person to fall in love with. Just because a woman over 50 is single and unmarried in no way does it mean that it’s is because she’s unattractive or that, in the words of the French author we mentioned earlier, her body is “not extraordinary at all.”

Russian women over 50 can be extraordinary lovers in the bedroom. They can be naughty and capable of so much love that you will not receive that much genuine and strong love from a 25-year-old girl. Wondering what it’s like to date a Russian lady over 50? Luckily, you can sign up on to find out what it’s like to fall in love with and be loved by a mature Russian woman.