New Year Resolutions that Can Boost Your Life

A new year is a perfect opportunity to reset, focus and to make every part of your life alive again, including your dating. No matter if you’re coming back to dating world after a while or you’re ready to make your current struggles meaningful, there is no better period to dedicate your time to dating with joy and meaning. By making clear and strong new year resolutions you can make your love … Continue Reading
Romance Across America: A State-by-State Guide to Love Language

It’s easy to assume that everyone has the same definition of love. However, different people may have different perspectives on love and love language, which refers to how romantic affection is expressed. Understanding various types of love languages, then, can play a critical role in relationship dynamics. The question now is, while most people can identify their love language, which of the five is most popular on a state-by-state basis? … Continue Reading
Best Ways to Find A Date at Every Age

A partner, unlike the things you buy on Amazon, doesn’t come delivered to your door. Furthermore, because new experiences can be terrifying, you may prefer to stay at home rather than go out trying to find a date and face a potentially uncomfortable situation. But there are ways to get around this! Regardless of age, you can always have the time of your life, especially when it comes to romance. While … Continue Reading
Essential Online Dating Stats for Daters

In the more than twenty years since the introduction of paid dating sites, online dating has grown into a billion-dollar sector that serves people all over the world. Understanding deeper about the present-day dating landscape may help clarify the reason potential partners behave the way they do, as well as how dating can impact your mental health and well-being. So, here are some of the most important online dating statistics to … Continue Reading
This Kind of Person Will Most Likely Cheat, And You Might Not See It Coming

There are many different factors that can motivate someone to cheat, regardless of their age, where they live, or relationship status. However, according to a study from Frontiers in Psychology, there is a category of people who are actually more inclined than others to cheat. Remarkably, it isn’t those who have a tendency to be somewhat more promiscuous. Passionate Lovers are Mostly Cheaters The purpose of the aforementioned study was to … Continue Reading
3 Topics That Baby Boomer Men Should Avoid On The First Date

Nowadays, technology has made dating much easier that even Baby Boomer men can utilize it to reenter the dating game. They can also have many options, from Baby Boomer women to the much younger yet legally allowed Gen Z ladies. But with that age comes the dating rust. And so, Baby Boomer men must take note of the 3 crucial topics to be avoided on the first date. What People Are Considered … Continue Reading
Let Your Guard Down on Dating Sites: Vulnerability Improves Intimacy

There are moments when looking through dating sites makes you want to be extra cautious. You create a profile, browse through profile images, and trigger a conversation using a persona that you have carefully created. However, what if lowering your guard is the first step toward making a genuine connection? You may not know this, but vulnerability is a key component in the process of moving from selecting dating profiles to … Continue Reading
Effective Ways to Improve Your Attractiveeness on Dating Sites

We have all experienced days when self-assurance seems like a faraway memory, both in real life and on dating sites. Even those TV stars have moments of self-doubt! But if you find yourself feeling gloomy and miserable all the time, it might be time to make changes. The good news is that you don’t need to go on an extravagant shopping spree or undergo a dramatic makeover to give off … Continue Reading
Green Flags In A Relationship and How To Recognize

Partnerships can be challenging, particularly in the early stages of dating. You might find that the other person has a few “beige flags,” or peculiar habits that, while occasionally bothersome, don’t really affect things. Naturally, it’s also critical to keep an eye out for “red flags”. But don’t overlook the green flags—positive behaviors displayed by an individual. While red flags often attract more attention, we’ll show you the top green … Continue Reading
Couples Who Use Baby Talk Have Longtime Relationship and Here Is Why

Let’s say you hear a couple swooning over each other in a cutesy wootsy baby voice while you’re strolling around. Perhaps you believe that behavior is not normal for adults to do. However, did you know that baby talk is used by up to two-thirds of couples in longtime relationship? Interestingly, this conversation is often kept secret between the two of them. Below, we’ll talk about the use of baby talk … Continue Reading