Tag Archives: dating app
Online Dating Stats You Should Know About in 2023

Have you ever been let down by your favorite dating app? These 2023 online dating trends and statistics can offer you a break from a romantic rut and make your love life more refreshing, whether you are in search of a life-long partner or to simply get something casual! Guard Railing The blurred lines on dating should be a thing of the past. It seems people are now more specific and … Continue Reading
The Science Behind Summer Love: Is It a Myth or Reality?

Summer is the season of fun, joy, and love! While the two first things may feel like a walk in the park, the latter one summer love sometimes comes with its own set of issues and challenges. Every year, when the warm weather starts to creep in, there is always an urge within that tells us to go out there and meet someone new. What Makes Summer Love Happen In … Continue Reading
Sundays Are the Busiest Days for Online Dating in January

If you want to meet the man or woman of your dreams, there is no better moment than right now. Don’t wait until February, especially if you’re hoping for love this Valentine’s Day. Sundays are not only a time to spend quality time with family and friends, but they are also a time for online dating. According to the most recent data, Sundays are the busiest day for online dating … Continue Reading
Fast Response Time Helps People “Click” and Leads to Strong Bonds

Did you ever “click” with someone that you couldn’t stop thinking about it? You felt like you had so many things to talk about although you didn’t know each other? That experience is truly special. When you meet people that leave such a great impression on you, try your best to keep them in your life. However, a recent study by Dartmouth College reveals that “clicking” is not as effortless … Continue Reading