Tag Archives: online dating
Essential Online Dating Stats for Daters

In the more than twenty years since the introduction of paid dating sites, online dating has grown into a billion-dollar sector that serves people all over the world. Understanding deeper about the present-day dating landscape may help clarify the reason potential partners behave the way they do, as well as how dating can impact your mental health and well-being. So, here are some of the most important online dating statistics to … Continue Reading
Why It’s Not A Good Idea to Give Your Phone Number On Dating Sites

It may feel natural for you to give someone from dating sites your phone number before meeting them. It allows you to keep the conversation flowing and coordinate your meet-up session with ease. But, as dating site popularity rises, more creeps and people with bad intentions are hopping on the bandwagon as well, making online dating no longer the safe space it used to be! What To Know Before Giving Someone On A … Continue Reading
Online Dating Stats You Should Know About in 2023

Have you ever been let down by your favorite dating app? These 2023 online dating trends and statistics can offer you a break from a romantic rut and make your love life more refreshing, whether you are in search of a life-long partner or to simply get something casual! Guard Railing The blurred lines on dating should be a thing of the past. It seems people are now more specific and … Continue Reading
Reasons Why Every Man Should Get Out Of His Comfort Zone On Dating Sites

Dating can be a challenge for a lot of men. While it may seem like things are telling you to try out new things on dating sites, your common sense will tell you that it is best to do things like how you used to. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with staying where you feel comfortable, but, if you want to expand your options, you have to step out of … Continue Reading
6 Reasons Why Women Hold a Higher Standard in Dating

For decades women are expected to be the perfect partner. Someone who takes care of her partner’s needs and provides the necessary nurturing for the relationship to work. Recent psychological studies, however, casts a different light on men’s and women’s observed dating behaviors. A Psychology Today article published in 2022 shows a decreasing number of dating opportunities for heterosexual men because women have higher standards in dating. Holding a higher benchmark … Continue Reading
Mindfulness, AI, and Virtual Reality: The Future of Dating

To be successful in the dating sector, like in every other aspect of our lives, you must stay up with the current online dating trends and crazes. However, with things moving so quickly, it might be difficult to predict what will happen next. Will we still swipe left and right on online profiles? Will there be a better way to meet new people? In this post, we’ll take a look at … Continue Reading
Sundays Are the Busiest Days for Online Dating in January

If you want to meet the man or woman of your dreams, there is no better moment than right now. Don’t wait until February, especially if you’re hoping for love this Valentine’s Day. Sundays are not only a time to spend quality time with family and friends, but they are also a time for online dating. According to the most recent data, Sundays are the busiest day for online dating … Continue Reading
11 Things Women Want Men to Know

According to on online dating research most men find women to be extremely puzzling and uncertain in many things. Some men find women demanding but can’t make up their minds at the same time. However, most women only want a few simple things from their men. Knowing these things and implementing them can go a long way in improving your relationship. Here are some of the things most women want men … Continue Reading
Fast Response Time Helps People “Click” and Leads to Strong Bonds

Did you ever “click” with someone that you couldn’t stop thinking about it? You felt like you had so many things to talk about although you didn’t know each other? That experience is truly special. When you meet people that leave such a great impression on you, try your best to keep them in your life. However, a recent study by Dartmouth College reveals that “clicking” is not as effortless … Continue Reading
Magical Ways to be Better in Dating Communication with Russian Singles

Communication is one of the easiest human interaction to do yet the hardest to master. In dating, this can be even harder whether you’re talking to Asian or Russian singles in person or online. Having great communication, especially in the early parts of dating, can build closeness and trust which are the main foundations of a relationship. Communication is essential in dating but it’s easy to say the wrong things even … Continue Reading